Support For Your Ideal Body
Unlocking Boundless Possibilities in your Body with Structural Biochemical Assisted Stretching and Exercise

About company
Forbes Elite
Our Mission
Forbes Elites seeks to unlock the individual’s optimal state of mobility connecting to balancing the body’s kinetic chains (muscular, nervous, and skeletal systems). A warm invitation to preventative sources to fight off any relatable opportunistic health risks.
Our Vision
Forbes Elite loves to spread the force of preventative health at anyone’s fingertips to
fight off imbalances within the kinetic chains. Saying “no” to abnormal mobility and
inflammation issues in specific region of the body is possible.
Why Join Us?

Fat Lose
This will be achieved through Isometric H.I.I.T, Aerobic exercises,
resistance and calisthenics.

Muscle Gain
This will be achieved through power, resistance and explosive work outs. Resistance and calisthenics

Interactive apps that Forbes Elite is connected to have professional
nutritional apps that clients can leverage.
We aspire to inspire a culture of mindfulness and self-discovery, where each participant feels supported and encouraged on their unique journey toward optimal health and vitality

Gabby Green (24)
I started training with Coach Alfredo in October of 2023 and my physical and mental health has grown immensely. I feel more confident in my body, workout routines, and my feelings in gym. Alfredo explains all movements extremely well and always corrects me, always ensuring proper workout techniques.
Not only does Alfredo have the knowledge of an amazing personal trainer, workouts are something I have looked forward to every morning! Alfredo is a great trainer and I have never felt better than I do now.

Felisha Land (30)
I was working with a previous trainer in August of 2023 before I started working out with Coach Alfredo in September. Since then I had noticed my weight dropped tremendously in just the first 2 months of training with him.
It has now been 6 months and I have gone down 2 jean sizes and have lost more than 20 lbs and my body strength has never been better. Due to me having Thyroid issues my metabolism works much slower than some but Coach Alfredo has helped me get my stamina up and I have noticed a huge change in my health inside and out. I haven’t felt this great in years.

Deborah Pierre Louis (29)
I absolutely adore Alfredo’s workouts! Not only did I shed 26 pounds in Just a month, but did so in a healthy manner. My body is now toned, and my posterior is truly impressive! Alfredo is amazing! Previously, my core was weak; I couldn’t even manage a 30-second plank, but now I breeze through a 45-secound plank without needing to catch my breath. What I appreciate most about his workouts is that they don’t just focus on slimming down; they effectively target unwanted fat while preserving your curves.